Friday, September 14, 2012

Sweet Treat

I had a chocolate chip biscuit today as a treat - and decided that it was way to sweet after finishing it. I think I needed to have it with a cup of coffee.

There was also a special morning tea for one of employees who were leaving today. So much food - and the only thing I took was the biscuit.

I have come to the point where I realise that I don't need that kind of food in my body. I don't have strong cravings for food that is ultimately poison for me. Although, I did have steak sandwich for dinner with the lot - which was very nice, but I don't think that I will be wanting anything junk food related for quite a while - although steak sandwich isn't too bad - it all tasted fresh, but the bread was definitely full of sugar; I could taste it. (I maintain that the salad, steak and egg in the sandwich is all good for me - greens and protein :-P I'm sticking to it!)

Myself and another girl at work have been trying to keep healthy over the last couple of weeks, and drinking plenty of water. We both have been averaging at least four bottles a day. The toilet has become our new friend. Although, as one of the guys at work (he used to be a nurse) has advised us, to be careful as drinking too much water can flush out electrolytes, potassium and sodium in our system. I hadn't been feeling all that well this week, feeling quite dizzy and nauseous and I asked if drinking too much water could cause dizziness from drinking too much water - as I felt similar when I was sick (years ago now ) with gastro. He said it could be possible, although my doctor (whom I saw today for a medical certificate for Monday) said that it may be a viral infection.

At least three people think it is something else. I'll have to pray about that because I'm not sure if I quite believe them. But we'll see. I'll be putting my faith in God that everything is going well, I know that He is always with me regardless.

I've had my treat(s) for the week! No more for at least another month or so :-)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Giant Meatballs!

So I made meatballs for dinner tonight - which I have not made in years.

The dietitian recommended that making meatballs were great as you can put as many veg as you like in them and have them in a tomato based sauce.

I thoroughly enjoyed making and eating dinner tonight - two giant sized meatballs drowned in sauce.... and these are only the leftovers :-)

The hubby (Phil) and I have been doing well; losing weight and sticking to our healthy eating.

Another check-in with the dietition in a month, I would like to lose at least two kilos and build up my endurance in walking. I would love to enter a marathon (walking) maybe like 10km before the end of the year. Now to find something I can do in Melbourne...

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Keeping Positive

I have an awesome feeling about the coming week. I have just come off ALL my medications, of which I am incredibly excited about, and I aim to go to the gym at least twice this week. Easing myself back in after a week off.

I had a moment not last Thursday but the Thursday before when walking to the train station after work, I tripped on wet pavement and as I fell to brace myself I placed my hands out. As I stood back up (after a few people walked on by) I immediately noticed a pain in my neck and back. Go me and my klutziness.

I spent the week in pain and not wanting to strain myself further; didn't get to the gym. Well, I better not push it for this week, and also my mum will be coming to visit on Friday/Saturday and next weekend will be very busy, so looking forward to it!