Sunday, April 22, 2012

Forward one step, two steps back

So this weekend, hasn't been the best for me physically. I've had late nights out and have not been taking care of myself and I can feel the difference. I was at a friend's birthday this afternoon (for an afternoon tea) and found myself feeling a bit sick. After trying like mad to stay healthier, I've found that I'm preferring healthy foods, as too much sugar and preservatives just make me feel sick.

Despite the health setbacks, I've had a good weekend, busy, but it's been good. I've been catching up with old friends, making new friends and generally just having a good time. It's nice to have a weekend where I'm not at home doing well...nothing. Not to mention last week, I was at the gym 3 times last week and only Friday did I not do any strenuous exercise. (I should be a bit more active on the weekends too perhaps)

My goal this week is to go to the gym at least four times. The reason that I'm going a bit nuts is because of my overseas trip and I need to strengthen my hip, as I'll be walking everywhere and I need it to be strong enough to handle the four weeks away. I'll be leaving in 25 days (can't tell I'm counting) and I'm really looking forward to it. I'll most likely post some pics on my photography blog and facebook of my adventures. Ahh, love adventures!

Have a good week!

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